Monday 22 June 2015

Me.. Myself and I...

Ok, time to be real with you all! No half ass stuff.. Today you get to know the REAL me.. 

Bare naked Milly.. *here goes nothing*

Yes it's hard for me to completely open with this post as majority of those reading this post I probably have never met and not everyone I have met know me completely.

Let's start at the beginning! *I'll do my best not to make you all fall asleep in 10 seconds*

Milika Anna Christina is the name given to me by my parents. Sunday 19th of July 1987 is the day I graced this somewhat unique world. I grew up in a little city called One Hunga in Auckland New Zealand. My family and I moved to Melbourne Australia in 1999. My parents are of Tongan descent which makes me full Tongan too! I am one of 12 kids and I'm lucky number 1! (No that's not a mistake, I'll share with you all in a bit) I have 6 sisters and 4 brothers. We also have a older half brother who lives back in NZ (that's where 12 came from) I have one sister in law and two adorable nieces!!

Growing up I was always fascinated with design, particularly architect. My grandpa was a carpenter by trade, a very artistic man! Obviously passed that talent down to my old man, and now to me (Although, I'm no Picasso haha) As I got older I discovered "LOVE" well what I thought was love. That's where the dream "changed" He started pursuing his fitness career and I did my best to encourage him and push him to achieve his goal and dream (as a loyal girlfriend/partner should). As I saw the happiness and progress he was making, I started to rethink about my career choices, that's where my love for fitness started. My ex was so passionate about it and it rubbed off on me. We started planning how we'd become trainers in the fitness industry and run our own fitness empire!!! Mind you, I was SUPER excited about it all! So I did a little here and there. Just when I thought life was going great, life decided to throw me a curve ball, and it was a huge one! Had my heart broken really bad, thought life was over for me. I didn't see any point in continuing to live. There were times where I thought of taking my own life (which I highly do NOT recommend!!!! Turn to family and loved ones!!! They really are there for you and LOVE you!!) It all happened within a few seconds! I was lost and confused. Started blaming myself, 'What did I do wrong?' 'I should've done more' 'I should've moved to America to be closer to him' (Yes, he is American) started blaming MYSELF for a decision that I didn't make! Yes, I tried every possible "solution" to make it work. But we weren't going to be meeting halfway.

I stuck to my dad like glue!! And yes, cried myself to sleep every night. That's when I started eating and drinking real bad. I didn't care what others would think about my outward appearance. I shut everyone out!! I was at my lowest ever!! I weighed about 86-96kgs around the end of August last year, a few months after it all happened. The thought did cross my mind and I could've easily turned to certain substances to ease the pain, instead I woke up one morning and "decided" to go for a morning run. With the fresh air and change in my 'routine' I started thinking about what I was planning to do with my life before it all went downhill. Even though it started off as his dream, it did become mine too! and HELL NO was I about to let a man decide what I do or don't do. That day, I woke up, mumbled to myself "NO MORE CRYING" wasting your tears. So I got ready and went to Genesis gym and signed up haha. Yes!! I started working out to push out the negative vibes I kept inside me. I'm quite good at 'hiding' certain feelings from everyone. I guess you could say my poker face game is too strong haha.. Anyways, when you're in a committed relationship, letting go is NEVER easy, especially if you're not the one giving up. We were together for 4 nearly 5 years, which is a long time! That person becomes a part of you and vice versa. But like they say, what's meant to be will be. One motto I like to live by is "Go with the flow" So to "get over" him and the massive heartbreak I started working out 5-6 days a week!!! Slowly I started noticing my energy and vibe change *for the better* let me tell you something ladies! You don't need a man to "approve" or justify your image! You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. You are AMAZING the way you are!!

Fast forward to today.. I'm back on track *slowly getting there* and I honestly feel A LOT happier than I was before. I'm on a journey to find myself and right now, I'm LOVING every second of this EPIC journey!! Everyone deals with their life struggles differently, I used fitness as my "happy place" GO WITH THE FLOW and keep your head up!!!! Life WILL get better and there definitely is something WAY better waiting at the end.

M xo